Monday, October 26, 2009

Pros and Cons of Illegally Downloading Music

People from all across America have been illegally downloading music for several years. Although illegally downloading music is frowned upon by many people in society, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Many people automatically choose to rule this type of downloading music as an unfair program, which I can understand considering the fact that they are cheating money away from the musical artist, but artists should realize that more people downloading their songs will more than likely increase the popularity of the certain musical artist. For many artists who are trying to make it into mainstream America, this form of publicity is extremely helpful. This could also lead to a lot of unknown talent becoming discovered. However, this is a huge disadvantage for the already popular artist who aren't receiving their full payment of money from their music due to all the illegal downloading. Another disadvantage that illegally downloading music includes is the vast variety of files that appear whenever a person searches for a specific song or artist. Also, anyone who is downloading music illegally must always be aware that they can easily be attacked by any of the viruses that the folders could hold. The most vital and obvious disadvantage of illegally downloading music is simply to avoid being sent a lawsuit. Therefore, there are many more disadvantages than advantages. When one decides to download illegally, he/she needs to look at the consequences that could come from their actions.


  1. I can't really say anything cause I do download music illegally.

  2. I do not download music illegally, I think it is not smart to do that considering the many court cases where people for fine in the upper hundred thousands for doing so. I just use my iTunes or pick up a cd for the store. If it's not worth buying it most likely isn't worth listening too.

  3. I agree with Steiner. I have never illegally downloaded music. I realize that it's a common practice by many individuals, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. PAY FOR IT!

  4. I do download music illegally but not hundreds and thousands like a lot of others do. Normally the people who get fined have downloaded a massive amount of songs.

  5. Downloading music is illegal but that is not going to stop people from doing it. I wonder how many people illegally download music a day. I'm sure it is a lot. That may change if the government gets more strict about illegally downloading music. It's going to be interesting in the future though.

  6. Illegal downloading of music can never be stopped , there is a need of modification in the law which would not encourage illegal downloading but would somehow generate revenue from it

  7. I like to support people for their skills like music. I wish they would give a stronger penalty for illegal downloading on cd/dvd

  8. I have to admit that downloading illegal music can be tempting. But if there is an artist tgat you really just love you have to buy there cd!! I Love and like to support certain indie artist and i buy there cd

  9. I don't download music illegally. I uaually purchase songs off itunes or buy the cd if it's a artist i like. Artists work hard to get where they are.

  10. I'm usually fortunate enough to be given a couple of itunes gift cards for Christmas each year, so I download my music the legal way.

  11. The practice of doing this is not fair or the right thing to do. I did it one time, and felt bad about it lol and did it.
